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Couler API Design

This document outlines the design of core Couler APIs to support multiple workflow backends. Please see this RFC for the initial design discussions.


  • Design the core Couler APIs that can be implemented across different workflow engines.
  • Provide a minimal set of APIs that are forward-looking, engine-agnostic, and less likely to deprecate over-time.


  • Provide an exhaustive set of APIs that cover all use cases and all workflow engines.
  • Provide implementation details.


Core operations (couler.ops):

  • run_step(step_def) where step_def is the step definition that can be a container spec, Python function, or spec that's specific to the underlying workflow engine (e.g. k8s CRD if Argo Workflow is used). A "step" represents a node in the workflow graph, e.g. the "smallest" unit in some sense. For an analogy of a Couler "step" in different backends, please see the last section for a table of various Couler concepts.

Control flow (couler.control_flows):

  • map(func, *args, **kwargs) where *args and **kwargs correspond to various arguments passed to the function func.
  • when(cond, if_op, else_op) where
    • cond can be any of the following predicates: equal(), not_equal(), bigger(), smaller(), bigger_equal(), smaller_equal().
    • The operation defined in if_op will be executed when cond is true. Otherwise, else_op will be executed.
  • while_loop(cond, func, *args, **kwargs) where
    • cond can be any one of the predicates mentioned above.
    • func, *args, and **kwargs are similar to map()'s.

Utilities (couler.utils):

  • submit(config=workflow_config(schedule="* * * * 1")) where config is engine-specific.
  • get_status(workflow_name)
  • get_logs(workflow_name)
  • delete_workflow(workflow_name)

Backends (couler.backends):

  • get_backend()
  • use_backend("argo")

Minimal Working Workflow Example

An example workflow defined via some of the APIs mentioned above is shown below:

import couler
import random

if couler.get_backend() != "argo":

def random_code():
    result = "heads" if random.randint(0, 1) == 0 else "tails"

def flip_coin():
    return couler.run_step(

def heads():
    return couler.run_step(
        step_def=["bash", "-c", 'echo "it was heads"'],

def tails():
    return couler.run_step(
        step_def=["bash", "-c", 'echo "it was tails"'],

result = flip_coin()
couler.when(couler.equal(result, "heads"), lambda: heads())
couler.when(couler.equal(result, "tails"), lambda: tails())

name = couler.submit(config=workflow_config(schedule="* * * * 1"))

while couler.get_status(name) == "Running":
    if couler.get_status(name) == "Completed":

Concepts Analogies in Different Backends

To help visualize various concepts and their analogies in different Backends, below is an attempt to compare them in a table which will be updated over time as support for new backends is proposed:

Concept\Framework Couler Argo Tekton Airflow Dagster Prefect
Step Step Step Step Task Solid Task
Composite step Reusable step Template Task SubDag or TaskGroup Composite Solid TBA
Worfklow Workflow Workflow Pipeline DAG Pipeline Flow

Note that by "reusable step", we mean parameterized templates that can be used to define a Couler step where users only have to specify a few parameters.